Library Extended Hours for Spring 2015

If you need a place to study as we go into the last weeks of the quarter, check out the library. The first floor is going to be open later as a study hall so you can have a place on campus to finish up your work. Also, ASI provides coffee in the evening, first come/first served, so you can get your caffeine kick while studying, too.

Spring 2015 Extended Library Hours

Spring 2015 Extended Library Hours

Upcoming Events

Hi, all. I just want to bring your attention to some upcoming events on campus.

First, next week is National Library Week and the library is hosting a week long series of events in celebration. (Including free coffee and treats on Friday) You can find the entire list of events here:

Also, April is Autism Awareness Month and on April 28th at 6:00 pm in MB 1055 there will be Autism Rocks: Celebrating Diversity and Creativity showcasing CSUEB students’ performances. Please see below for more information.

Autism Rocks: Celebrating Diversity and Creativity

Autism Rocks: Celebrating Diversity and Creativity


Welcome to LIBY 1210-33! This quarter we’ll be working together to explore how skills and practices that make up “information literacy” can help us in our classes and in our lives outside of the classroom.

I’m excited that you’ll be in this class Spring Quarter.

We’ll be meeting in LI 3079 on the second floor of the library for our classes, unless otherwise noted in the syllabus & schedule.

I’ll be using this site to post class information and homework assignments. We’ll use Blackboard for posting grades.

I look forward to seeing you in class and if you have any questions, please let me know.

"before the internet" by xkcd

“before the internet” by xkcd